Child And Family Services
Child And Family Services


The medication administration course is designed to teach unlicensed staff to safely administer medications in specific settings authorized by law. Persons who successfully complete the medication administration course are not certified or licensed in any way and are not trained or authorized to make any type of judgment, assessment, or evaluation of a client. Staff who successfully complete the course are considered Qualified Medication Administration Persons (QMAP). Successful applicants must pass a written exam and a hands-on practical exam.

Successful completion of a state approved medication course does not allow an individual to administer medication by injection, epi pen, or G-tube. QMAP’s are not allowed to draw insulin or other medication into syringes.

If it is determined upon an inspection or complaint investigation that the QMAP is not administering medications according to the training regimen established in a state approved training course, retraining as a remedial measure may be required.

Q-MAP Objectives

What you will learn.

  • To administer medications according to written physician orders.
  • To maintain proper documentation of the administration of both prescription and non-prescription drugs.
  • To use the proper techniques when administering medications by the various routes.
  • To fill and administer medications to and from medication reminder boxes with oversight from a licensed person or qualified manager safely and accurately.

You will Know and demonstrate mastery of the following:

  1. Comprehension of important guidelines
  2. Use and forms of drugs.
  3. Medication orders
  4. Documentation
  5. Medication reminder boxes
  6. Steps of procedures
  7. Medication errors
  8. Medication storage

At the completion of this course, you should be able to demonstrate:

  • Proper reading, understanding, and transcribing of physician’s orders.
  • Safe administration of medications via multiple “routes” (ingested, applied, inhaled, inserted) in designated settings using written physician orders according to the “7 rights of medication administration”.
  • Documentation of medication administration according to State Board of Health regulations.
  • SAFE administration of medications from Medication Reminder Boxes (MRB).

Assisting those with developmental disabilities.

Made up of over 250 employees. The STRiVE Organization is qualified and trained to provide quality, results driven services with a variety of programs, including residential host home services. We are an organization that continually sees the needs in the community and strives to make a difference in those areas.