Children’s Extensive Support Waiver
The Children’s Extensive Support Waiver helps families to meet the challenges of caring for their child with developmental disabilities by providing Medicaid benefits, additional targeted services and support to children with developmental disabilities or delays.
Services covered by CESW include: personal support supervision, home modification, community connection services, professional care/behavior services, specialized equipment and supplies.

Early Intervention Services
The Early Intervention program is for children birth to age three who have a developmental delay or disability. Services are designed around the child and family needs, concerns and priorities related to the development of the child & provided in natural learning environments such as the family home, child care setting, playgrounds, or other community settings.
Service co-ordination/case management is provided for every child and family to help determine the child’s needs and provide measurable goals. The parent’s involvement is of key importance for the success of this program. Other services may include developmental intervention, speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and other areas of expertise.
This is a program that is funded by a variety of sources (private insurance, public funds, state and federal dollars, and donations from various organizations, and individuals). Services are accessed through Child Find where a multidisciplinary evaluation is done to determine eligibility.
Child Find/Early Intervention: 970-241-5403 fax 970-255-7445.

Assisting those with developmental disabilities.
Made up of over 250 employees. The STRiVE Organization is qualified and trained to provide quality, results driven services with a variety of programs, including residential host home services. We are an organization that continually sees the needs in the community and strives to make a difference in those areas.