STRiVE Vocational Services
STRiVE provides two distinct types of employment-related services, in addition to programs that foster an enhanced quality of life and support community inclusion. Participation in STRiVE programs is open to any adult determined to have an Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD) interested in developing job skills, with specific program placement based on individual abilities and interests. Please take a look at the services we offer below.

Supported Employment – Small Group
The cornerstone of STRiVE’s vocational programming, Small Group Supported Employment, provides technical and soft skill training, and work experience at a STRiVE-owned/operated enterprise. Clients learn workplace safety, attendance and punctuality, personal hygiene in the workplace, task completion, problem solving, and effective communication. Individuals’ job interests, personal strengths, and technical training/assistance needs are assessed in the interest of positioning these clients to eventually secure and retain employment.
In-house job sites include: Western Colorado Botanical Gardens, The Shop, Grounds Crew, Contracted Employment, Reception.

Supported Employment – Individualized
Upon successful completion of training and mastery of Group skills (as outlined above), qualified and interested clients could enter Individualized Supported Employment. Using an evidence-based model that provides support via the one-on-one efforts of a certified job coach, clients are employed with an established business/employer in the community. Participating clients learn to identify employment opportunities and apply/interview for a position; once a job is secured, the client and job coach together ensure the success of new job orientation and skills training specific to the position.

Specialized Habilitation Services
At STRiVE, specialized habilitation services and supports are offered in seven distinct settings which enable an individual to attain the maximum functioning level or to be supported in such a manner that allows an individual to gain an increased level of self-sufficiency. Programs include: Healthy Body, Adventurous Minds, Creative Creations, Performing Arts, Coffee Klatch, Pixel and Champion’s Corner.
Meet our wonderful vocational services staff!

Anna Johnson
Vocational Supervisor- Adventurous Minds, Champion corner, Power Pro, and Pixel
P. 970-712-9786
E. anjohnson@strivecolorado.org

Jo-Ann Maestas
Vocational Supervisor- Creative Creations, Woodshop and Grounds Crew
P. 970-640-0755
E. jmaestas@strivecolorado.org

Faun Stoffer
Vocational Supervisor: Botanical Gardens
P. 970-812-6455
E. fstoffer@strivecolorado.org

Tyryn Salazar
Vocational Supervisor: Coffee Klatch, Healthy Body Healthy mind, No boarders, Community employment, Styles by Strive and Reception
P. 970-307-6460
E. tsalazar@strivecolorado.org

Assisting those with developmental disabilities.
Made up of over 250 employees. The STRiVE Organization is qualified and trained to provide quality, results driven services with a variety of programs, including residential host home services. We are an organization that continually sees the needs in the community and strives to make a difference in those areas.